Thursday, 25 September 2008

Rug Cutting; After Dark!!

Well, it's dark o'clock.

Which means that you can pretty much expect this blog to feature swearing, violence and nudity. You may also expect that I will struggle to make work tomorrow.

Anyway, tonight I went to see North Atlantic Oscillation, Y'All is Fantasy Island and How To Swim at Sleazys. It was good. The drummer from YIFI is injured though, so we were given a limited edition acoustic performance. Exciting.

Please find live action photo's below, which may or may not feature the head of the blonde girl who was in front of me:

Y'All is Fantasy Island

North Atlantic Oscillation

Uhm......ok. I didn't get a picture of those guys, because I was having a wee rest and was also trying to appear cool and casual. But they were quite good. So check them out here

How To Swim

I enjoyed it, Kenny enjoyed it, the pretty violinist enjoyed it. Everyone had a nice night. Good night.

1 comment:

Samurai Jen said...

I love your blog Papa Steve